Faith Based

Non-Denominational Not for Profit Organisation


In Matthew 4:19, Jesus commences his ministry for God to mankind with the opening sentence “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men” [Matthew 4:19]. 

The Peter & Pauls Mission believe that it is important to stay “on message” and we take our guidance from the Lord. Jesus finished his ministry at Mathew 28:18 with the Great Commission. “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.  Jesus stayed “on message “throughout his ministry, telling his disciples to go and fish.

Not everyone is an evangelist, not everyone is born to knock on doors and preach when people open their front door. However, this does not mean that you can’t take part in the Great Commission, it is a commandment from our Lord. So everybody must be able to serve somewhere in the Great Commission.   

Where can you serve? 

Peter & Pauls Mission is a great place for you to serve in the Great Commission, by joining the Peter & Pauls Mission you can take part in the largest fishing net ever manufactured. With fifteen million one hundred and eighty thousand Christians in our country of twenty-two million, we are casting a fishing net over our whole nation. Join the Ambassador's Leaflet Campaign

That’s right just by joining the mission and delivering fifty leaflets around where you live, you are playing a crucial part of Peter & Pauls Mission. You are one of many fine threads that make up our grand fishing net, that we are casting, to cover our whole nation.  Become a fisher of men today.

You can even get involved in your Sector and help design the leaflets.  Start a Campaign

In Cairns alone fifteen thousand Christians attend church every week, if just six percent of these worshipper's sign up to the fishnet campaign, (900 Christians)  we can deliver a leaflet to every house and unit in Cairns every week.

When you join Peter & Pauls Mission, the “media committee” will call you if we don’t have anyone in the area where you live to deliver those fifty leaflets. It takes just twenty minutes; however, it plays such an important part in the fishing- net campaign. Congratulations you are active in the Great Commission and obeying our Lords commandment. Join a Sector

If you wish, you may also contribute to any local or national campaign being promoted by the Mission, if ten thousand members donated a dollar each to keep a campaign running that buys a lot of media time [$10,000.00] for a tiny investment [$1].